Well this is it, here goes nothing. Random Delusions pretty much says it all. I need a place to randomly comment on my life and the world and about whatever pops into my head at random moments.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

how do you tell a friend that your sorry? sorry for not being such a great friend? without it sounding trite? how do you tell them that your sorry for being a putz? how do you tell them your sorry with out telling them why you did the crappy things you did? If I confess the why then all my crappyness was for nothing, well unless they freak..... and thats the deep fear right? that they will figure it out? that I am just a twit. I can say it all in my head.... but it never comes out right when I try to say it anywhere else.. it just ends up sounding whinny and pathetic... my great fears come to bear fruit.

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