Well this is it, here goes nothing. Random Delusions pretty much says it all. I need a place to randomly comment on my life and the world and about whatever pops into my head at random moments.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

first day

Well I hope this will be the start of something interesting. Even if it turns out to be nothing more than a pathetic reliving of my life through the filter of my existance. I plan to post some of my writting on here and to just post my ramblings when I need to ramble and there is no one to listen. It will be self indulgent, it will be messy, it will be opinionated w/ out providing all the necessary "evidence" to support my opinions. I am a very emotional person and sometimes it may even be that I come back the next day and change my opinion entirely. I created this for me to express myself and I set it up to let everyone read it so your welcome to read, and if its appropriate to comment, but don't expect me to indulge you, this is an entirely selfish experiment and thats it.

Well I need to get my self dressed and made up and go out into the world, its Costco and Trader Joes day, the day of shopping and doing laundry. If I am lucky I might even get to mop the floor later. Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't rain on us!

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